
Our school comprises Labs equipped with modern features to ensure that the kids observe the process and understand the relationship between action and reaction, using hands-on learning methods to apply the knowledge they have attained in the classroom.

Next Lab

Active learning through exploring, experimenting and accomplishing

To complement classroom teaching, the school has included NextLabs in their curriculum, which comprises four well-equipped labs – MathsLab, ScienceLab, RoboticsLab and EnglishLab. These labs are developed for the inquisitive 21st century learners. It provides:

  • hands-on activities to encourage experiential learning
  • age-appropriate resource kits with safety measures
  • content, lab plans and lab calendars that are mapped to the curriculum

Computer Lab

Fundamental knowledge of computer from the lower classes helps the child to explore more knowledge. Our computer lab is designed to create an inclusive, structured learning environment where students can prepare for a tech-heavy future. Every student is given the freedom to use and upgrade computers and other digital equipment independently. Our knowledgeable and committed teachers support students’ learning and keep them up to date on various technical developments worldwide.

Maths Lab

Our Maths lab is set to deconstruct the popular idea that mathematics is a difficult subject. Students fall in love with the subject as they learn the way mathematical concepts are related to real life situations. This lab is also equipped with a comprehensive activity library containing hands-on kits, group activities, and projects to further boost students’ understanding of concepts.


The lab is makes Maths a fun learning experience with the following: virtual activities

  • 1,000+ story-based activities
  • 200+ real-life scenarios


Hands-on Learning

  • 200+ hands-on activities and paper-cutting activities
  • 40+ hands-on kits
  • Group activities to foster collaborative skills

Science Lab

The well-equipped science lab at Jeewan Sunshine School enhances the hands-on learning experience of the students by providing them with:

  • personal kits and workbooks for Grades 1-10
  • 100 hands-on activities with videos and instruction manuals


Robotics Lab

It is a solution for a deeper scientific understanding using activity-based learning. It blends subjects like science, technology, engineering and mathematics. It helps in boosting creativity, critical thinking, communication and collaboration skills of the learners.

English Lab

Learning a language just by studying the theory is not enough to guarantee a successful language learning experience. Language labs provide practice in an entertaining and interactive way to acquire the 4 main language skills: listening, speaking, reading, and writing. Our English lab is designed to offer students a structured learning environment that combines instructor-led classroom sessions and computer based lab sessions. Various innovative tools, such as NextDictionary, writing and phonetic tutors and pronunciation tools in our English lab help improve the students’ writing and speaking skills.