Next OS
Next OS is an all-in-one cloud-based system which empowers students by creating unmatched learning experiences and opportunities through a wide range of interactive and integrated resources. Salient Features of Next OS

Digitised Learning Resources

Hybrid and Blended Learning

Social Learning

Performance Tracking and Support

Transparent Feedback

Personalised Learning Paths

How do students benefit from Next OS?

Extensive Learning Resources

9000+ hours of interactive content in the form of animated & real-life videos
25,000+ learning modules, including PPTs, ebooks & more
5,40,000+ questions tagged according to Bloom’s Taxonomy

Assignments and Homework

Submission of assignments and projects of students on a digital platform

Self-paced Learning

Supports the self-learning journey of students that is consistent with the school’s curriculum

Detailed Student Reports

Renders comprehensive reports with micro-level analysis of students’ learning that makes them aware of their strengths and weaknesses.

How do parents benefit from Next OS?

  • They can view their child’s extracurricular and classroom activities via image, audio or video file captured and shared by teachers in feed.
  • Parents can connect conveniently with teachers to receive regular updates on their child’s progress
  • The platform also allows them to track the homeworks assigned anytime and receive real-time updates on the same